Dr. Neil Theise Liver Pathologist Finds Liver Stem Cells In Other Organs

Liver Pathologist & Stem Cell Researcher Meets Sharon Kleyne on Kleyne Talk Radio. Dr. Neil Theise & Interstitium Research Bound Together Worldwide for Disease Cures.

Dr, Neil Theise of New York University is well-known all over the world. He is well known as a global liver pathologist and he is celebrated as an international, gifted stem cell researcher.

But this isn’t all that Dr. Neil Theise of NYU is known and respected for around the world. Dr. Theise is also globally know and respected as the co-discoverer of what has come to be called the interstitium. Dr. Theise co-discovered the interstitium after endoscopists and gastroenterology experts Petros Benias and David Carr-Locke shared with him their initial research that showed what amounts to a liquid highway with the body. This liquid highway within the body is like a river with many tributaries. It runs everywhere. It was Dr. Theise who took that early research and studied the interstitium. What he found was amazing!

What Dr. Theise discovered was that liver stem cells were showing up in other organs. How? The answer had to be that they were hitching rides on the interstitium. Isn’t that amazing? “In pathology,” Theise points out, “you’re acting like a sleuth. It’s rather like doing crossword puzzles with human tissue. You’re taking evidence and trying to organize it into a story.” Theise goes on to explain that preconceived notions are antithetical to his research. “One often sees things in a biopsy that one is not expecting to see.”

Clearly, no scientist or researcher was expecting to see the interstitium, but now thanks to Benais, Carr-Locke and Dr. Theise, we have what may be an entirely new body organ to study. Sharon Kleyne, founder and research director of Bio Logic Aqua® Research Water Life Science® and herself a world-renowned researcher of body water vapor evaporation and dry eye disease, is especially optimistic that the discovery of the insterstitium will lead scientists, researchers and physicians to get back to the critical medical business of discovering cures of disease and illness, not just drugs that blunt pain and mask symptoms.

It stands to reason that if the interstitium can convey stem cells from organ to organ, it can also convey disease such as cancer from organ to organ. If we can understand that process through more advanced study and research, we can begin to expect breakthroughs that lead to cures. That’s what we need, cures! The interstitium is opening a new door and perhaps a new golden era on efforts to help people lead healthier, longer lives.


If you would like to listen to a terrific Kleyne talk radio program featuring a conversation between Dr. Neil Theise, liver pathologist at NYU and Power of Water® talk radio host and Water Life Science® lifestyle and dry eye educator Sharon Kleyne about pathology, research, the interstitium, water, evaporation, the health Olympics, dry eye, stem cell research, water education and Water Life Science®, follow this link: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115677/the-interstitium-as-a-new-human-organ

If you would like to learn more about the most unique product on the global dry eye market and its application, please visit http://www.naturestears.com

And if you would like to try the unique Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® for dry eyes caused by evaporation, or Nature’s Mist® Face of the Water® for dry, over-evaporated skin, please follow these links: https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Tears-Eyemist-Ounce-bottles/dp/B004FF52L8 https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/nature’s-tears-eye-mist/ID=prod6347055-product https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Mist-Introductory-Package-Moisturizer/dp/B001TAQQMQ

Neil Theise Looks For Cures On Body’s Interstitium Highway

Dr. Neil Theise Discovers How Disease Like Cancer Travels from Organ to Organ. Sharon Kleyne Talk Radio Shares Groundbreaking Global Research of Dr. Neil Theise.

Dr. Neil Theise is not just one of the world’s most famous and respected diagnostic liver pathologists and adult stem cell researcher. With endoscopists and gastroenterology experts Petros Benias and David Carr-Locke, Theise’s research has revealed one of the greatest anatomical discoveries in the history of the world.

The mysterious interstitium is a “highway of moving fluid” within the body. Think of the interstitium as a river with many tributaries actively flowing from organ to organ. The interstitium acts as a shock absorber between organs in the body and as a conduit for fluids to enter the lymphatic system.

Sharon Kleyne, founder and research director of Bio Logic Aqua® Research Water Life Science® and the host of her own popular nationally syndicated talk radio program, The Sharon Kleyne Hour Water Life Science®/Nature’s Pharma®, The Power of Water® & Your Health sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® and Nature’s Mist® Face of the Water® on VoiceAmerica, has quickly spotted the brilliant benefits that can come from research on the interstitium.

“Decades ago,” says Kleyne, “the medical field wandered away from finding cures for disease and sickness and focused more and more on masking symptoms instead. Dr. Theise’s work with the interstitium is showing us how disease like cancer moves from organ to organ in the body. Now that we are learning and observing this process, we can find cures that will eliminate disease, not just relieve its symptoms.”

Kleyne is excited and gratified that international guests like Dr. Theise are joining her on her program in a kind of living laboratory in which they are teaching the latest life-sustaining research not only to average listeners, but to other scientists, physicians, researchers and educators as well.

Kleyne also believes that the discovery and study of the interstitium will reveal more details about the origin and development of ocular disease and transmission of disease from one part of the eye to another. Kleyne teaches that keeping the eyes supplemented with Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, a 100 percent Trade Secret tissue culture grade water, will prevent dry eye and blindness.

If you want to listen to a terrific Kleyne talk radio program featuring a conversation between Dr. Neil Theise, liver pathologist at NYU and Power of Water® talk radio host and Water Life Science® lifestyle and dry eye educator Sharon Kleyne about pathology, research, the interstitium, water, evaporation, the health Olympics, dry eye, stem cell research, water education and Water Life Science®, follow this link: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115677/the-interstitium-as-a-new-human-organ

If you want to learn more about the most unique product on the global dry eye market and its application, please visit http://www.naturestears.com

If you would like to try the unique Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® for dry eyes caused by evaporation, or Nature’s Mist® Face of the Water® for dry, over-evaporated skin, please follow these links: https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Tears-Eyemist-Ounce-bottles/dp/B004FF52L8 https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/nature’s-tears-eye-mist/ID=prod6347055-product https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Mist-Introductory-Package-Moisturizer/dp/B001TAQQMQ